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Encounter Student Ministries

Based in Lennoxville, we are located within a walking distance of Bishops and Champlain. We believe in the Bible and that the message of Jesus is pertinent and life-changing today. We aim to welcome and be a light to our community 


We invite anyone and everyone to Belong to our community with the hopes you will Believe in the Gospel to ultimately Become more like Jesus.


Together we are on a journey of faith. Regarldess of where you stand in relation to Jesus Christ and Church, there’s a place for you here!


Thursday Dinners

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Encounter Student Ministries hosts a free weekly meal on Thursdays. It's our way of serving and loving the local student community. Join us for a home-cooked meal prepared by families from the local area!


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During our meals, we love to have live music. If you play an instrument and want to show your talent during the Thursday dinners use the link to apply.

After the dinner, we enjoy playing music together. The doors are open to anyone who would like to join us for a jam session. We have 2 spare guitars and a keyboard no one is using yet. Don't be shy if you don't know what you're doing. (we don't either.)

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Hydration Station


One of the ways we reach students is by handing out water bottles and free snacks during late party nights. This is a powerful and effective way to reach students with the love of Jesus. We always seek volunteers to help us run these hydration stations. If you are interested in getting involved, fill out the form.

hydration station
encounter building

The Encounter Building

Located in the heart of the Student Village on Connolly street, the Encounter building serves as the hub of the activities. Our hall is open all week for dinners, activities, studying, or simply hanging out with friends. Follow on social media to find out what is happening!


Are interested in being apart of the team?! Willing to share the vision and help with our events? Apply to live here next semester! The rent is 455$ a month. 


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Encounter Student Ministries
@the Impact House

20 Connolly, Sherbrooke, Qc

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© 2023 Encounter Student Ministries

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